25 March – 2 April, 2023
Paphos, Cyprus
Joint Advanced
Student School 2023
Smart context-sensitive traffic control
JASS (Joint Advanced Student School) is an annual international initiative to study emerging technologies using project-driven software development. The school is a place where students and professors from different countries gather for short-term, project-oriented, project-driven education in international teams. Over the course of 7 days, each team of students creates and delivers a finished project.
The topics typically studied include mobile devices, the Internet of Things, industrial applications, autonomous mobile robotics and transportation, and virtual reality.
The event includes the following types of activities:
Guest lectures and/or master classes on selected technologies.
Lectures are classes are provided by academic professors and industry experts. The main goal of each lecture is to give a good overview of the technologies; to help students to get a bigger picture of the particular domain, and to acquire a holistic comprehension of the problems, solutions, and challenges that exist.
Work on projects in joint international student teams.
Students will work within joint international teams (about 7 students per team) to develop small projects and apply their new domain knowledge to a particular sub-project. Each project is developed by the teams under supervised guidance.
Topic 2023
Smart context-sensitive traffic control
There are many tools in the software world that allow you to safely upgrade running systems without stopping them. Systems such as search engines, social networks, and streaming or multiplayer gaming platforms are almost never stopped when they are upgraded.
However, once we encounter systems running in the physical world, the task becomes very difficult, almost unsolvable. Imagine a smart city in which cars drive themselves, smart traffic lights regulate traffic, and automatic monitoring systems control data flows. And it's all controlled by artificial intelligence technology. How do you update the software on these autonomous agents so that nothing stops or fails?
JASS-2023 is dedicated to the study of smart context-sensitive traffic control and continuous software evolution technologies for cyber-physical systems. As part of the program, we will use the Duckietown model city and its self-driving cars and smart traffic lights (all guided by AI) to help us solve such problem. Several international student project teams will work together in Agile mode for a week, supported by professors from Technical University of Munich, Imperial College London, and Neapolis University Pafos. Students will use real hardware equipment when working on projects.
Core technologies: Linux, ROS, Docker/Kubernetes, Matter/Thread, Duckietown, Python
25 March – 2 April, 2023
Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Paphos, Cyprus
Participants should be either undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate students at universities in Cyprus with strong software engineering and development skills. They should also have an interest in new technologies, mobile devices, and the Internet of Things.
Participation is free. School language – English. All participants will be accommodated during the school by the Neapolis University Pafos and the Leptos Group at the Coral Beach Hotel & Resort.
Preliminary schedule
25.03 Arrival to Paphos, Icebreaker
26.03 Intro in JASS, Problem Statement, Team Allocation
27.03 Start of development, Lectures (Docker/Kubernetes, Matter/Thread, Software evolution)
28.03 Working on Projects
29.03 Working on Projects
30.03 Working on Projects, Intermediate Demo
31.03 Hiking in the morning, Working on Projects
01.04 Working on Projects, Final Demo (Client Acceptance Test), Dinner
02.04 Departure from Paphos
Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche
TUM, Applied Software Engineering
Prof. Dr. Bernd Brügge
TUM, Applied Software Engineering
Prof. Kirill Krinkin
PhD in Software Engineering
Invited Lecturers and Instructors
Dr. Robert Chatley
Imperial College London, Director, DoC EdTech Lab
Matthias Linhuber
TUM, Applied Software Engineering
Maximilian Sölch
TUM, Applied Software Engineering
Teaching Assistants and Technicians
Teaching Assistants Team
Konstantin Chaika, JetBrains
Tatiana Berlenko, JetBrains
Nikita Ermolenko, JetBrains
Technicians Team
Andreas Jung, TUM
Ruth Demmel, TUM
Maximilian Sölch
Matthias Linhuber
Mokhammad Naanaa
Tobias Wasner
Philipp Zagar
Valeriya Andraichuk
Noah Dormann
Ruoqing Wang
Robert Jandow
Magnus Kühne
Andreas Loizides
Ilia Nechaev
Iya Volkova
Vseslav Kasatskii
Aleksandra Fedorova
Gennady Petrishchev
Christoforos Nicolaou
Ivan Vybornov
Panagiotis Theodorou
Lampros Dionysiou
Kseniia Marchenko
Edwina Karoulla